Detailed information can be found in the course descriptions and in the module handbooks (in German only).
30.09.–02.10. and 04.10.; begins on 30.09. at 9h15 in HS Rundbau.
Teacher: Nadine Große
Assistant: Jonah Reuß
Language: in German
02.10.–05.10.2024, begins at 9h in HS Rundbau.
Teacher: Mirjam Hoferichter, Susanne Knies
Language: in German
Exercising the Basics
Teacher: Fachschaft
Language: in German
Supervised Exercising
Teacher: Fachschaft
Language: in German
Lecture: Di, Mi, 8-10h, HS Rundbau, Albertstr. 21
Tutorial: 2 hours, various dates
Teacher: Michael Růžička
Assistant: Alexei Gazca
Language: in German
Analysis I is one of the two basic lectures in the mathematics course. It deals with concepts based on the notion of limit. The central topics are: induction, real and complex numbers, convergence of sequences and series, completeness, exponential function and trigonometric functions, continuity, derivation of functions of one variable and regulated integrals.
Required: High school mathematics. \ Attendance of the preliminary course (for students in mathematics) is recommended.
Analysis (2HfB21, BSc21, MEH21, MEB21)
Analysis I (BScInfo19, BScPhys20)
Linear Algebra I
Lecture: Mo, Do, 8-10h, HS Rundbau, Albertstr. 21
Tutorial: 2 hours, various dates
Teacher: Stefan Kebekus
Assistant: Marius Amann
Language: in German
Linear Algebra I is one of the two introductory lectures in the mathematics degree program that form the basis for further courses. Topics covered include: fundamental concepts (in particular fundamental concepts of set theory and equivalence relations), groups, fields, vector spaces over arbitrary fields, basis and dimension, linear mappings and transformation matrix, matrix calculus, linear systems of equations, Gaussian elimination, linear forms, dual space, quotient vector spaces and homomorphism theorem, determinant, eigenvalues, polynomials, characteristic polynomial, diagonalizability, affine spaces. The background to the mathematical content is explained in terms of ideas and the history of mathematics.
Required: High school mathematics. \ Attendance of the preliminary course (for students in mathematics) is recommended.
Linear Algebra (2HfB21, BSc21, MEH21)
Linear Algebra (MEB21)
Linear Algebra I (BScInfo19, BScPhys20)
Lecture: Mi, 14-16h, HS Weismann-Haus, Albertstr. 21a
Tutorial: 2 hours, every other week, various dates
Teacher: Sören Bartels
Assistant: Tatjana Schreiber
Language: in German
Numerics is a sub-discipline of mathematics that deals with the practical solution of mathematical problems. As a rule, problems are not solved exactly but approximately, for which a sensible compromise between accuracy and computational effort must be found. The first part of the two-semester course focuses on questions of linear algebra such as solving linear systems of equations and determining the eigenvalues of a matrix. Attendance at the accompanying practical exercises ({\em Praktische Übung zur Numerik}) is recommended. These take place every 14 days, alternating with the lecture's tutorial.
Required: Linear Algebra~I \ Recommended: Linear Algebra~II and Analysis~I (required for Numerics~II)
Numerics (BSc21)
Numerics (2HfB21, MEH21)
Numerics I (MEB21)
Lecture: Fr, 10-12h, HS Weismann-Haus, Albertstr. 21a
Tutorial: 2 hours, every other week, various dates
Teacher: Angelika Rohde
Assistant: Johannes Brutsche
Language: in German
Stochastic is, to put it loosely, the “mathematics of chance”, about which---possibly contrary to first impressions---many precise and not at all random statements can be formulated and proven. The aim of the lecture is to give an introduction to stochastic modeling, to explain some basic concepts and results of Stochastic and to illustrate them with examples. It is also intended as a motivating preparation for the lecture “Probability Theory” in the summer semester, especially for students in the B.Sc. in Mathematics. Topics covered include: Discrete and continuous random variables, probability spaces and measures, combinatorics, expected value, variance, correlation, generating functions, conditional probability, independence, weak law of large numbers, central limit theorem. The lecture Elementary Probability Theory~II in the summer semester will mainly be devoted to statistical topics. If you are interested in a practical, computer-supported implementation of individual lecture contents, participation in the regularly offered practical excercise “Praktischen Übung Stochastik" is also recommended (in parallel or subsequently).
Required: Linear Algebra~I, Analysis~I and II. \ Note that Linear Algebra~I can be attended in parallel.
Elementary Probabilty Theory (2HfB21, MEH21)
Elementary Probability Theory I (BSc21, MEB21, MEdual24)
Further Chapters in Analysis
Lecture: Mi, 8-10h, HS Weismann-Haus, Albertstr. 21a
Tutorial: 2 hours, various dates
Teacher: Nadine Große
Assistant: Jonah Reuß
Language: in German
\textit{Multiple integration:} Jordan content in \(\mathbb R^n\), Fubini's theorem, transformation theorem, divergence and rotation of vector fields, path and surface integrals in \(\mathbb R^3\), Gauss' theorem, Stokes' theorem.\ \textit{Complex analysis:} Introduction to the theory of holomorphic functions, Cauchy's integral theorem, Cauchy's integral formula and applications.
Required: Analysis~I and II, Linear Algebra~I and II
Further Chapters in Analysis (MEd18, MEH21, MEdual24)
Lecture: Di, Do, 8-10h, HS II, Albertstr. 23b
Tutorial: 2 hours, date to be determined
Computer exercise: 2 hours, date to be determined
Teacher: Moritz Diehl, Patrick Dondl, Angelika Rohde
Assistant: Ben Deitmar, Coffi Aristide Hounkpe
Language: in English
This course provides an introduction into the basic concepts, notions, definitions and results in probability theory, numerics and optimization, accompanied with programming projects in Python. Besides deepen mathematical skills in principle, the course lays the foundation of further classes in these three areas.
None that go beyond admission to the degree programme.
Basics in Applied Mathematics (MScData24)
Lecture: Di, Do, 10-12h, HS Weismann-Haus, Albertstr. 21a
Tutorial: 2 hours, various dates
Teacher: Wolfgang Soergel
Assistant: Damian Sercombe
Language: in German
This lecture continues the linear algebra courses. It treats groups, rings, fields and applications in the number theory and geometry. The highlights of the lecture are the classification of finite fields, the impossibility of the trisection of angles with circle and ruler, the non-existence of a solution formula for the general equations of fifth degree and the quadratic reciprocity law.
Required: Linear Algebra~I and II
Algebra and Number Theory (2HfB21, MEH21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Introduction to Algebra and Number Theory (MEB21)
Algebra and Number Theory (MEdual24)
Pure Mathematics (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective (MScData24)
Algebraic Number Theory
Lecture: Di, Do, 12-14h, HS II, Albertstr. 23b
Tutorial: 2 hours, date to be determined
Teacher: Abhishek Oswal
Assistant: Andreas Demleitner
Language: in English
Short description of topics: Number fields, Prime decomposition in Dedekind domains, Ideal class groups, Unit groups, Dirichlet's unit theorem, local fields, valuations, decomposition and inertia groups, introduction to class field theory.
Required: Algebra and Number Theory
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Mathematical Concentration (MEd18, MEH21)
Pure Mathematics (MSc14)
Mathematics (MSc14)
Concentration Module (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective (MScData24)
Lecture: Mo, 12-14h, HS Rundbau, Albertstr. 21, Mi, 10-12h, HS Weismann-Haus, Albertstr. 21a
Tutorial: 2 hours, various dates
Teacher: Patrick Dondl
Assistant: Oliver Suchan
Language: in German
Lebesgue measure and measure theory, Lebesgue integral on measure spaces and Fubini's theorem, Fourier series and Fourier transform, Hilbert spaces. Differential forms, their integration and outer derivative. Stokes' theorem and Gauss' theorem.
Required: Analysis I and II, Linear Algebra I
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Analysis III (BSc21)
Mathematical Concentration (MEd18, MEH21)
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Lecture: Mo, Mi, 14-16h, HS II, Albertstr. 23b
Tutorial: 2 hours, date to be determined
Teacher: Sebastian Goette
Assistant: Mikhail Tëmkin
Language: in German
Differential geometry, especially Riemannian geometry, deals with the geometric properties of curved spaces. Such spaces also occur in other areas of mathematics and physics, for example in geometric analysis, theoretical mechanics and the general theory of relativity.
Required: Analysis~I–III, Lineare Algebra~I and II \ Recommended: Analysis of Curves and Surfaces ("Kurven und Flächen"), Topology
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Mathematical Concentration (MEd18, MEH21)
Pure Mathematics (MSc14)
Mathematics (MSc14)
Concentration Module (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective (MScData24)
Lecture: Mo, Mi, 12-14h, HS II, Albertstr. 23b
Tutorial: 2 hours, date to be determined
Teacher: Guofang Wang
Assistant: Christine Schmidt
Language: in German
A large number of different problems from the natural sciences and geometry lead to partial differential equations. Consequently, there can be no talk of an all-encompassing theory. Nevertheless, there is a clear picture for linear equations, which is based on three prototypes: the potential equation \(-\Delta u = f\), the heat equation \(u_t - \Delta u = f\) and the wave equation \(u_{tt} - \Delta u = f\), which we will examine in the lecture.
Required: Analysis III \ Recommended: Complex Analysis ({\em Funktionentheorie})
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Mathematical Concentration (MEd18, MEH21)
Pure Mathematics (MSc14)
Mathematics (MSc14)
Concentration Module (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective (MScData24)
Lecture: Di, Do, 10-12h, SR 226, Hermann-Herder-Str. 10
Tutorial: 2 hours, date to be determined
Teacher: Sören Bartels
Assistant: Vera Jackisch
Language: in English
The aim of this course is to give an introduction into theory of linear partial differential equations and their finite difference as well as finite element approximations. Finite element methods for approximating partial differential equations have reached a high degree of maturity, and are an indispensable tool in science and technology. We provide an introduction to the construction, analysis, and implementation of finite element methods for different model problems. We will address elementary properties of linear partial differential equations along with their basic numerical approximation, the functional-analytical framework for rigorously establishing existence of solutions, and the construction and analysis of basic finite element methods.
Required: Analysis~I and II, Linear Algebra~I and II as well as knowledge about higher-dimensional integration (e.g. from Analysis~III or Extensions of Analysis) \ Recommended: Numerics for differential equations, Functional analysis
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Mathematical Concentration (MEd18, MEH21)
Applied Mathematics (MSc14)
Mathematics (MSc14)
Concentration Module (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Advanced Lecture in Numerics (MScData24)
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Lecture: Di, Mi, 16-18h, HS II, Albertstr. 23b
Tutorial: 2 hours, date to be determined
Teacher: David Criens
Assistant: Eric Trébuchon
Language: in German
Complex analysis deals with functions \(f : \mathbb C \to \mathbb C\) , which map complex numbers to complex numbers. Many concepts of Analysis~I can be directly transferred to this case, e.\,g. the definition of differentiability. One might expect that this would lead to a theory analogous to Analysis~I but much more is true: in many respects you get a more elegant and simpler theory. For example, complex differentiability on an open set implies that a function is even infinitely often differentiable, and this is further consistent with analyticity. For real functions, all these notions are different. However, some new ideas are also necessary: For real numbers \(a\), \(b\) one integrates for \[\int_a^b f(x) \mathrm dx\] over the elements of the interval \([a, b]\) or \([b, a]\). However, if \(a\), \(b\) are complex numbers, it is no longer so clear clear how such an integral is to be calculated. One could, for example, in the complex numbers along the line that connects \(a, b \in \mathbb C\), or along another curve that leads from \(a\) to \(b\). Does this lead to a well-defined integral term or does such a curve integral depend on the choice of the curve?
Required: Analysis I+II, Linear Algebra I
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Mathematical Concentration (MEd18, MEH21)
Pure Mathematics (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective (MScData24)
Lecture: Mo, Mi, 14-16h, SR 404, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Teacher: Ernst August v. Hammerstein
Assistant: Sebastian Stroppel
Language: in English
The lecture builds on basic knowledge about Probability Theory. The fundamental problem of statistics is to infer from a sample of observations as precise as possible statements about the data-generating process or the underlying distributions of the data. For this purpose, the most important methods from statistical decision theory such as test and estimation methods are introduced in the lecture. \\ Key words hereto include Bayes estimators and tests, Neyman-Pearson test theory, maximum likelihood estimators, UMVU estimators, exponential families, linear models. Other topics include ordering principles for reducing the complexity of models (sufficiency and invariance). Statistical methods and procedures are used not only in the natural sciences and medicine, but in almost all areas in which data is collected and analyzed This includes, for example, economics (“econometrics”) and the social sciences (especially psychology). However, in the context of this lecture, we will focus less on applications, but---as the name suggests---more on the mathematical justification of the methods.
Required: Probability Theory (in particular measure theory and conditional probabilities/expectations)
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Applied Mathematics (MSc14)
Mathematics (MSc14)
Concentration Module (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Advanced Lecture in Stochastics (MScData24)
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Set Theory – Independence Proofs
Lecture: Di, Do, 12-14h, SR 404, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Tutorial: 2 hours, date to be determined
Teacher: Maxwell Levine
Assistant: Hannes Jakob
Language: in English
How does one prove that something cannot be proved? More precisely, how does one prove that a particular statement does not follow from a particular collection of axioms?
These questions are often asked with respect to the axioms most commonly used by mathematicians: the axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory, or ZFC for short. In this course, we will develop the conceptual tools needed to understand independence proofs with respect to ZFC. On the way we will develop the theory of ordinal and cardinal numbers, the basics of inner model theory, and the method of forcing. In particular, we will show that Cantor's continuum hypothesis, the statement that \(2^{\aleph_0}=\aleph_1\), is independent of ZFC.
Required: Mathematical Logic
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Mathematical Concentration (MEd18, MEH21)
Pure Mathematics (MSc14)
Mathematics (MSc14)
Concentration Module (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective (MScData24)
Lecture: Di, Do, 10-12h, HS II, Albertstr. 23b
Tutorial: 2 hours, date to be determined
Teacher: Annette Huber-Klawitter, Amador Martín Pizarro
Assistant: Christoph Brackenhofer
Language: in German
Semi-algebraic geometry is about properties of subsets of \(**R**^n\), which are given by inequalities of the form [ f(x1, \dots, xn)\geq 0] for polynomials \(f\in**R**[X_1,\dots,X_n]\).
The theory has many different facets. On the one hand, it can be seen as a version of algebraic geometry over \(\mathbf{R}\) (or even more generally over so-called real closed fields). On the other hand, the properties of these fields are a central tool for the model-theoretic proof of Tarski-Seidenberg's theorem on quantifier elimination in real closed fields. Geometrically, this is interpreted as a projection theorem.
From this theorem, a proof of Hilbert's 17th problem easily follows, which was solved by Artin in 1926.
\textit{Is every real polynomial \(P \in \mathbf{R}[x_1, \dots, x_n]\), which takes a non-negative value for every \(n\)-tuple in \(\mathbf{R}^n\), a sum of squares of rational functions (i.e., quotients of polynomials)?}
In the lecture, we will explore both aspects. Necessary tools from commutative algebra or model theory will be discussed according to the prior knowledge of the audience.
Required: Algebra and Number Theory \ Recommended: Knowledge in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry (cf. Kommutative Algebra und Einführung in die algebraische Geometrie), model theory
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Mathematical Concentration (MEd18, MEH21)
Pure Mathematics (MSc14)
Mathematics (MSc14)
Concentration Module (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective (MScData24)
Theory and Numerics for Partial Differential Equations – Nonlinear Problems
Teacher: Sören Bartels, Patrick Dondl
Language: in English
The lecture addresses the development and analysis of numerical methods for the approximation of certain nonlinear partial differential equations. The considered model problems include harmonic maps into spheres, total-variation regularized minimization problems, and nonlinear bending models. For each of the problems, a suitable finite element discretization is devised, its convergence is analyzed and iterative solution procedures are developed. The lecture is complemented by theoretical and practical lab tutorials in which the results are deepened and experimentally tested.
Required: Introduction to Theory and Numerics for PDEs or Introduction to PDEs
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Applied Mathematics (MSc14)
Mathematics (MSc14)
Concentration Module (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Advanced Lecture in Numerics (MScData24)
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Questions sesssion / flipped classroom: Mo, 10-12h, HS II, Albertstr. 23b
Letcure (4 hours): asynchronous videos
Teacher: Peter Pfaffelhuber
Assistant: Samuel Adeosun
Language: in English
A stochastic process \((X_t)_{t\in I}\) is nothing more than a family of random variables, where \(I\) is some index set modeling time. Simple examples are random walks, Markov chains, Brownian motion and derived processes. The latter play a particularly important role in the modeling of financial mathematics or questions from the sciences. We will first deal with martingales, which describe fair games. After constructing the Poisson process and Brownian motion, we will focus on properties of Brownian motion. Infinitesimal characteristics of a Markov process are described by generators, which allows a connection to the theory of partial differential equations. Finally, a generalization of the law of large numbers is discussed with the ergodic theorem for stationary stochastic processes. Furthermore, insights are given into a few areas of application, such as biomathematics or random graphs.
Required: Probability Theory I
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Applied Mathematics (MSc14)
Mathematics (MSc14)
Concentration Module (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Advanced Lecture in Stochastics (MScData24)
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Lecture: Mo, Mi, 12-14h, SR 404, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Tutorial: 2 hours, date to be determined
Teacher: Thorsten Schmidt
Assistant: Moritz Ritter
Language: in English
This lecture marks the culmination of our series on probability theory, achieving the ultimate goal of this series: the combination of stochastic analysis and financial mathematics---a field that has yielded an amazing wealth of fascinating results since the 1990s. The core is certainly the application of semimartingale theory to financial markets culminating in the fundamental theorem of asset pricing. This results is used everywhere in financial markets for arbitrage-free pricing.
After this we look into modern forms of stochastic analysis covering neural SDEs, signature methods, uncertainty and term structure models. The lecture will conclude with an examination of the latest applications of machine learning in financial markets and the reciprocal influence of stochastic analysis on machine learning.
Required: Probability Theory II (Stochastic Processes)
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Applied Mathematics (MSc14)
Mathematics (MSc14)
Concentration Module (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Advanced Lecture in Stochastics (MScData24)
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Reading courses
Teacher: Alle Professor:innen und Privatdozent:innen des Mathematischen Instituts
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
In a reading course, the material of a four-hour lecture is studied in supervised self-study. In rare cases, this may take place as part of a course; however, reading courses are not usually listed in the course catalog. If you are interested, please contact a professor or a private lecturer before the start of the course; typically, this will be the supervisor of your Master's thesis, as the reading course ideally serves as preparation for the Master's thesis (both in the M.Sc. and the M.Ed. programs).
The content of the reading course, the specific details, and the coursework requirements will be determined by the supervisor at the beginning of the lecture period. The workload should be equivalent to that of a four-hour lecture with exercises.
Reading Course (MEd18, MEH21)
Mathematics (MSc14)
Concentration Module (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Lecture: Mo, 14-16h, SR 127, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Tutorial: 2 hours, date to be determined
Teacher: Xuwen Zhang
Language: in English
We will study functions of bounded variation, which are functions whose weak first partial derivatives are Radon measures. This is essentially the weakest definition of a function to be differentiable in the measure-theoretic sense. After discussing the basic properties of them, we move on to the study of sets of finite perimeter, which are Lebesgue measurable sets in the Euclidean space whose indicator functions are BV functions. Sets of finite perimeter are fundamental in the modern Calculus of Variations as they generalize in a natural measure-theoretic way the notion of sets with regular boundaries and possess nice compactness, thus appearing in many Geometric Variational problems. If time permits, we will discuss the (capillary) sessile drop problem as one important application.
Required: Basic knowledge in measure theory and analysis is required.
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Pure Mathematics (MSc14)
Mathematics (MSc14)
Concentration Module (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective (MScData24)
Lecture: Mo, 10-12h, HS 3042, KG III
Teacher: Eva Lütkebohmert-Holtz
Assistant: Hongyi Shen
Language: in English
This course covers an introduction to financial markets and products. Besides futures and standard put and call options of European and American type we also discuss interest-rate sensitive instruments such as swaps.
For the valuation of financial derivatives we first introduce financial models in discrete time as the Cox--Ross--Rubinstein model and explain basic principles of risk-neutral valuation. Finally, we will discuss the famous Black--Scholes model which represents a continuous time model for option pricing.
Required: Elementary Probability Theory~I
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Supplementary Module in Mathematics (MEd18)
Applied Mathematics (MSc14)
Mathematics (MSc14)
Concentration Module (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Lecture: Do, 14-16h, SR 404, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Exercise session: Di, 8-10h, SR 127, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Teacher: Maximilian Stegemeyer
Language: in English
Lie groups and operations of Lie groups play a central role in geometry and topology. They can be used to describe continuous symmetries, one of the most important concepts of mathematics and physics. Exploiting symmetries, e.g. when describing homogeneous spaces, makes it easier to solve many specific problems and often provides a deeper insight into the structures examined. In addition, the geometry and topology of Lie groups and homogeneous spaces is of great interest.
In this lecture, we start with introducing the basic theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras, especially with insights into the structure theory of Lie algebras. In the second part we will look at homogeneous spaces with a special focus on Riemannian symmetric spaces. The latter form an important class of examples of Riemannian manifolds. In addition to the Lie-theoretical aspects, a special focus will always be on the homogeneous Riemannian metrics of the respective spaces.
Required: Differential geometry~I
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Pure Mathematics (MSc14)
Mathematics (MSc14)
Concentration Module (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective (MScData24)
Lecture: Do, 12-14h, SR 226, Hermann-Herder-Str. 10
Tutorial: 2 hours, date to be determined
Teacher: David Criens
Assistant: Dario Kieffer
Language: in English
The class of Markov chains is an important class of (discrete-time) stochastic processes that are used frequently to model for example the spread of infections, queuing systems or switches of economic scenarios. Their main characteristic is the Markov property, which roughly means that the future depends on the past only through the current state. In this lecture we provide the mathematical foundation of the theory of Markov chains. In particular, we learn about path properties, such as recurrence and transience, state classifications and discuss convergence to the equilibrium. We also study extensions to continuous time. On the way we discuss applications to biology, queuing systems and resource management. If the time allows, we also take a look at Markov chains with random transition probabilities, so-called random walks in random environment, which is a prominent model in the field of random media.
Required: Elementary Probability Theory~I \ Recommended: Analysis~III, Probability Theory~I
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Supplementary Module in Mathematics (MEd18)
Applied Mathematics (MSc14)
Mathematics (MSc14)
Concentration Module (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Exercise session: Mi, 10-12h, HS II, Albertstr. 23b
Teacher: Peter Pfaffelhuber
Assistant: Samuel Adeosun
Language: in English
Measure Theory is the foundation of advanced probability theory. In this course, we build on knowledge in analysis and provide all necessary results for later classes in statistics, probabilistic machine learning and stochastic processes. It contains set systems, constructions of measures using outer measures, the integral, and product measures.
Required: Basic courses in analysis, and an understanding of mathematical proofs.
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Mathematical Physics
Lecture: Di, 16-18h, SR 403, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Teacher: Wolfgang Soergel
Language: in German
Introduction to classic mechanics from the point of view of mathematics. We start with the mathematical modelling of space and time. Then we discuss Newton's equations of movement, physical systems with compulsory conditions, the D'Alembert principle, the Hamilton formalism and its derivation from the Newton's equations and applications of Hamilton formalism.
Required: Analysis III
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Elective (BSc21)
Supplementary Module in Mathematics (MEd18)
Lecture: Di, Fr, 12-14h, SR 226, Hermann-Herder-Str. 10
Tutorial: 2 hours, date to be determined
Computer exercise: 2 hours, date to be determined
This course takes only place in the first half of the semester, until end of November.
Teacher: Diyora Salimova
Assistant: Ilkhom Mukhammadiev
Language: in English
The aim of this course is to enable the students to carry out simulations and their mathematical analysis for stochastic models originating from applications such as mathematical finance and physics. For this, the course teaches a decent knowledge on stochastic differential equations (SDEs) and their solutions. Furthermore, different numerical methods for SDEs, their underlying ideas, convergence properties, and implementation issues are studied.
Required: Probability and measure theory, basic numerical analysis and basics of MATLAB programming.
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Supplementary Module in Mathematics (MEd18)
Applied Mathematics (MSc14)
Mathematics (MSc14)
Concentration Module (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Tutorial / flipped classroom: Di, 14-16h, HS II, Albertstr. 23b
Teacher: Moritz Diehl
Assistant: Florian Messerer
Language: in English
The aim of the course is to give an introduction to numerical methods for the solution of optimal control problems in science and engineering. The focus is on both discrete time and continuous time optimal control in continuous state spaces. It is intended for a mixed audience of students from mathematics, engineering and computer science.
The course covers the following topics:
The lecture is accompanied by intensive weekly computer exercises offered both in MATLAB and Python (6~ECTS) and an optional project (3~ECTS). The project consists in the formulation and implementation of a self-chosen optimal control problem and numerical solution method, resulting in documented computer code, a project report, and a public presentation.
Required: Analysis~I and II, Linear Algebra~I and II \ Recommended: Numerics I, Ordinary Differential Equations, Numerical Optimization
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Supplementary Module in Mathematics (MEd18)
Applied Mathematics (MSc14)
Mathematics (MSc14)
Concentration Module (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Introduction to Mathematics Education
Mo 10-12h, SR 226, Hermann-Herder-Str. 10, Fr, 8-10h, SR 127, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Fr, 14-16h, SR 127, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Teacher: Katharina Böcherer-Linder
Language: in German
Mathematics didactic principles and their learning theory foundations and possibilities of teaching implementation (also e.g. with the help of digital media). \\ Theoretical concepts on central mathematical thinking activities such as concept formation, modeling, problem solving and reasoning. \\ Mathematics didactic constructs: Barriers to understanding, pre-concepts, basic ideas, specific difficulties with selected mathematical content. \\ Concepts for dealing with heterogeneity, taking into account subject-specific characteristics particularities (e.g. dyscalculia or mathematical giftedness).\\ Levels of conceptual rigour and formalization as well as their age-appropriate implementation.
Required: Analysis~I, Linear Algebra~I
(Introduction to) Mathematics Education (2HfB21, MEH21, MEB21, MEdual24)
Mathematics Education ‒ Functions and Analysis
Seminar: Do, 9-12h, SR 404, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Teacher: Katharina Böcherer-Linder
Language: in German
Exemplary implementations of the theoretical concepts of central mathematical thought processes such as concept formation, modeling, problem solving and reasoning for the content areas of functions and analysis. \\ Barriers to understanding, pre-concepts, basic ideas, specific difficulties for the content areas of functions and analysis. \\ Fundamental possibilities and limitations of media, in particular of computer-aided mathematical tools mathematical tools and their application for the content areas of functions and analysis. Analysis of individual mathematical learning processes and errors as well as development individual support measures for the content areas of functions and analysis.
Required: Introduction to the didactics of mathematics, Knowledge about analysis and numerics
Mathematics Education for Specific Areas of Mathematics (MEd18, MEH21, MEB21)
Mathematics Education ‒ Probability Theory and Algebra
Seminar: Fr, 9-12h, SR 226, Hermann-Herder-Str. 10
Teacher: Anika Dreher
Language: in German
Exemplary implementations of the theoretical concepts of central mathematical thought processes such as concept formation, modeling, problem solving and reasoning for the content areas of stochastics and algebra. \\ Barriers to understanding, pre-concepts, basic ideas, specific difficulties for the content areas of stochastics and algebra.\ Basic possibilities and limitations of media, especially computer-based mathematical tools and their mathematical tools and their application for the content areas of stochastics and algebra. and algebra. \\ Analysis of individual mathematical learning processes and errors as well as development individual support measures for the content areas of stochastics and algebra.
Required: Introduction to the didactics of mathematics, knowledge from stochastics and algebra.
Mathematics Education for Specific Areas of Mathematics (MEd18, MEH21, MEB21)
Mathematics education seminar: Media Use in Teaching Mathematics
Seminar: Mi, 15-18h, SR 127, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Teacher: Jürgen Kury
Language: in German
The use of teaching media in mathematics lessons wins both at the level of lesson planning and lesson realization in importance. Against the background of constructivist learning theories shows that the reflective use of computer programs, among other things mathematical concept formation in the long term. For example experimenting with computer programs allows mathematical structures to be discovered, without this being overshadowed by individual routine operations (such as term transformation) would be covered up. This has far-reaching consequences for mathematics lessons. For this reason, this seminar aims to provide students the necessary decision-making and action skills to prepare future mathematics teachers for their professional activities. Starting from initial considerations about lesson planning, computers and tablets with regard to their respective didactic potential and tested with learners during a classroom visit. The exemplary systems presented are:
The students should develop teaching sequences, which will then be tested and reflected on with pupils (where this will be possible).
Recommended: Basic courses in mathematics
Supplementary Module in Mathematics Education (MEd18, MEH21, MEB21)
Mathematics education seminars at Freiburg University of Education
Teacher: Teachers of the PH Freiburg
Language: in German
Supplementary Module in Mathematics Education (MEd18, MEH21, MEB21)
Module "Research in Mathematics Education"
Mo 14-16h, 16-19h, Raum noch nicht bekannt, PH Freiburg
Registration: see course descriptions
Teacher: Teachers of the PH Freiburg, Frank Reinhold
Language: in German
The three related courses of the module prepare students for an empirical Master thesis in mathematics didactics. The course is jointly designed by all professors at the PH with mathematics didactics research projects at secondary levels 1 and 2 and is carried out by one of these researchers. Afterwards, students have the opportunity to start Master thesis with one of these supervisors - usually integrated into larger ongoing research projects.
The first course of the module provides an introduction to strategies of empirical didactic research (research questions, research status, research designs). Students deepen their skills in scientific research and the evaluation of subject-specific didactic research. In the second course (in the last third of the semester) students are introduced to central qualitative and quantitative research methods through concrete work with existing data (interviews, student products, experimental data), students are introduced to central qualitative and quantitative research methods. The third course is an accompanying seminar for the Master thesis.
The main objectives of the module are the ability to receive mathematics didactic research in order to didactic research to clarify questions of practical relevance and to plan an empirical mathematics didactics Master thesis. It will be held as a mixture of seminar, development of research topics in groups and active work with research data. Recommended literature will be depending on the research topics offered within the respective courses. The parts can also be attended in different semesters, for example part~1 in the second Master semester and part~2 in the compact phase of the third Master semester after the practical semester.
Research in Mathematics Education (MEd18, MEH21, MEB21)
Organisation: Susanne Knies
Language: in German
What characterizes a good tutorial? This question will be discussed in the first workshop and tips and suggestions will be given. Experiences will be shared in the second workshop.
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Elective (BSc21)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective (MScData24)
Computer exercises for Introduction to Theory and Numerics of Partial Differential Equations
Teacher: Sören Bartels
Assistant: Vera Jackisch
Language: in English
The computer tutorial accompanies the lecture with programming exercises.
See the lecture – additionally: programming knowledge.
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Elective (BSc21)
Supplementary Module in Mathematics (MEd18)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective (MScData24)
Computer exercises in Numerics
Teacher: Sören Bartels
Assistant: Tatjana Schreiber
Language: in German
In the computer tutorial accompanying the Numerics (first term) lecture the algorithms developed and analyzed in the lecture are put into practice and and tested experimentally. The implementation is carried out in the programming languages Matlab, C++ and Python. Elementary programming knowledge is assumed.
See the lecture {\em Numerics I} (which should be attended in parallel or should already have been completed). \ Additionally: Elementary programming knowledge.
Computer Exercise (2HfB21, MEH21, MEB21)
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Numerics (BSc21)
Supplementary Module in Mathematics (MEd18)
Please note the registration modalities for the individual proseminars published in the comments to the course catalog: As a rule, places are allocated after pre-registration by e-mail at the preliminary meeting at the end of the lecture period of the summer semester. You must then register online for the examination; the registration period runs from August 1, 2024 to October 9, 2024; if you would like to attend a proseminar but have not been allocated a place, please contact the degree program coordinator immediately.
Seminar: Do, 12-14h, SR 125, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Preliminary Meeting 15.07., 13 Uhr, SR 403, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Preparation meetings: Dates by arrangement
Teacher: Susanne Knies, Ludwig Striet
Language: in German
Numerous dynamic processes in the natural sciences can be modeled by ordinary differential equations. In this proseminar we will deal with explicit solution methods for differential equations as well as the application situations (reaction kinetics, predator-prey models, mathematical pendulum, different growth processes, . . . ) which can be described by them.
Analysis~I and II, Lineare Algebra~I and II
Undergraduate Seminar (2HfB21, BSc21, MEH21, MEB21)
Seminar: Mi, 12-14h, SR 125, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Preliminary Meeting 16.07., 10: 15 Uhr, Raum 232, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Preparation meetings: Dates by arrangement
Teacher: Angelika Rohde
Assistant: Johannes Brutsche
Language: in German
Paul Erd\H{o}s liked to talk about the BOOK in which God keeps the \textit{perfect} proofs of mathematical theorems, according to the famous quote by G. H. Hardy that "there is no permanent place for ugly mathematics" ([1], Preface). In an attempt at a best approximation to this BOOK, Aigner and Ziegler have published a large number of sentences with elegant, sophisticated, and sometimes surprising evidence. In this proseminar, a selection of these results will be presented. The spectrum of topics covers all different areas of mathematics, from number theory, geometry, analysis, and combinatorics to graph theory and includes well-known results, such as Littlewood and Offord's lemma, the Dinitz problem, Hilbert's third problem (of his 23 problems presented at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Paris in 1900), the Borsuk conjecture, and many more.
Linear Algebra~I and II, Analysis~I and II
Undergraduate Seminar (2HfB21, BSc21, MEH21, MEB21)
Seminar: Di, 14-16h, SR 127, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Preparation meetings: Dates by arrangement
Teacher: Wolfgang Soergel
Assistant: Damian Sercombe
Language: in German
In this proseminar we will discuss topics that are found in various textbooks and scripts for basic lectures in linear algebra but which are not part of the standard material. The lectures build on each other only slightly.
Linear Algebra ~I and II, Analysis~I and II.
Undergraduate Seminar (2HfB21, BSc21, MEH21, MEB21)
Please note the registration modalities for the individual seminars published in the comments to the course catalog: As a rule, places are allocated after pre-registration by e-mail at the preliminary meeting at the end of the lecture period of the summer semester. You must then register online for the exam; the registration period runs from August 1, 2024 to October 9, 2024.
Teacher: Ernst August v. Hammerstein
Language: in German
A knot can be mathematically defined relatively simply as a closed curve in the three-dimensional space \(\mathbb{R}^3\). From everyday life, one is certainly already familiar with different types of knots, e.g, surgeons knot, sailor
s knots, and many more. The aim of mathematical knot theory is to find characteristic quantities for the description and classification of knots and thus possibly also to be able to decide whether two knots are equivalent, i.e., if they can be transformed into one another through certain operations.
Ropes, cords or wires can be used to illustrate knots as well as interlacings. Prospective teachers can use these not only in this seminar, but perhaps also later in the classroom to display different results in a very practical way.
Required: Basic Mathematics courses. \ Possibly a little knowledge in topology in addition.
Supplementary Module in Mathematics (MEd18)
Undergraduate Seminar (2HfB21, BSc21, MEH21, MEB21)
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Seminar: Fr, 10-12h, SR 125, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Preliminary Meeting 18.10.
Preparation meetings: Dates by arrangement
Teacher: Thorsten Schmidt
Assistant: Moritz Ritter
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
This seminar will focus on theoretical machine learning results, including modern universal approximation theorems, approximation of filtering methods through transformes, application of machine learning methods in financial markets and possibly other related topics. Moreover, we will cover topics in stochastic analysis, like fractional Ito calculus, uncertainty, filtering and optimal transport. You are also invited to suggest related topics.
Required: Basic Probability and either Machine Learning or Probability Theory II (Stochastic Processes).
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Mathematical Seminar (BSc21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Supplementary Module in Mathematics (MEd18)
Mathematical Seminar (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Mathematical Seminar (MScData24)
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Machine-Learning Methods in the Approximation of PDEs
Teacher: Sören Bartels
Assistant: Tatjana Schreiber
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
Machine-learning methods have recently been used to approximate solutions of partial differential equations. While in some cases they lead to advantages over classical approaches, their general superiority is widely open. In the seminar we will review the main concepts and recent developments.
Introduction to Theory and Numerics for PDEs
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Mathematical Seminar (BSc21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Supplementary Module in Mathematics (MEd18)
Mathematical Seminar (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Mathematical Seminar (MScData24)
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Medical Data Science
Seminar: Mi, 10-11: 30h, HS Medizinische Biometrie, 1. OG, Stefan-Meier-Str. 26
Preliminary Meeting 17.07., HS Medizinische Biometrie, 1. OG, Stefan-Meier-Str. 26
Teacher: Harald Binder
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
To answer complex biomedical questions from large amounts of data, a wide range of analysis tools is often necessary, e.g. deep learning or general machine learning techniques, which is often summarized under the term ``Medical Data Science''. Statistical approaches play an important rôle as the basis for this. A selection of approaches is to be presented in the seminar lectures that are based on recent original work. The exact thematic orientation is still to be determined.
Good knowledge of probability theory and mathematical statistics.
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Mathematical Seminar (BSc21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Supplementary Module in Mathematics (MEd18)
Mathematical Seminar (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Mathematical Seminar (MScData24)
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Seminar: Mi, 16-18h, SR 125, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Preliminary Meeting 17.07., 16 Uhr
Preparation meetings: Dates by arrangement
Teacher: Guofang Wang
Assistant: Xuwen Zhang
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
Minimal surfaces are surfaces in space with a “minimal” area and can be described using holomorphic functions. They occur, for example in the investigation of soap skins and the construction of stable objects (e.g. in architecture). In the investigation of minimal surfaces elegant methods from various mathematical fields such as function theory, calculus of variations, differential geometry and partial differential equations. are applied.
Required: Analysis III or knowledge about multidimensional integration and complex analysis. \ Recommended: Elementary knowledge about differential geometry.
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Mathematical Seminar (BSc21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Supplementary Module in Mathematics (MEd18)
Mathematical Seminar (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective (MScData24)
Seminar: Di, 14-16h, SR 125, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Preliminary Meeting 16.07., SR 125, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Preparation meetings: Dates by arrangement
Teacher: Sebastian Goette
Assistant: Mikhail Tëmkin
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
We will discuss advanced topics in algebraic topology. Depending on the interest of the participants we could work on one of the following topics---if you have other topic suggestions, please contact the lecturer.
Algebraic Topology~I and II
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Mathematical Seminar (BSc21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Supplementary Module in Mathematics (MEd18)
Mathematical Seminar (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective (MScData24)
Seminar: Fr, 8-10h, SR 404, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Preliminary Meeting 15.07., 11 Uhr, SR 318, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Preparation meetings: Dates by arrangement
Teacher: Annette Huber-Klawitter
Assistant: Xier Ren
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
In this seminar, we are going to study finite dimensional (unital, possibly non-commutative) algebras over a (commutative) field \(k\). Prototypes are the rings of square matrices over \(k\), finite field extensions, or the algebra \(k^n\) with diagonal multiplication.
We will concentrate on path algebras of finite quivers (German: Köcher). Modules over them are equivalently described as representations of the quiver. Many algebraic properties can be directly understood from properties of the quiver.
Required: Linear Algebra \ Recommended: Algebra and Number Theory, Commutative Algebra and Introduction to Algebraic Geometry
Elective (Option Area) (2HfB21)
Mathematical Seminar (BSc21)
Compulsory Elective in Mathematics (BSc21)
Supplementary Module in Mathematics (MEd18)
Mathematical Seminar (MSc14)
Elective (MSc14)
Elective (MScData24)
Within the EUCOR cooperation, you can attend courses at the partner universities. If you click on the universities, you will find links to their course catalogues.
general course catalogue, see
course catalogue for mathematics see
Master Mathématiques Fondamentales et Appliquées see
Details: please click on the title and follow the link!
Lecture: Mo, 10-12h, 01-009/13, Georges-Köhler-Allee 101
Course offered by the Faculty of Engineering
Teacher: Thomas Brox
Language: in English
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Lecture: Di, 10-12h, HS 00-006, Georges-Köhler-Allee 082
Course offered by the Faculty of Engineering
Teacher: Abhinav Valada
Language: in English
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Lectures and exercises take place in blocks in individual semester weeks; the exact dates are listed on the course website.
Course offered by the Institute for Economics
Teacher: Ekaterina Kazak
Language: in English
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Lecture: Mo, HS 1098, KG I, Di, 12: 30-14h, HS 1199, KG I
Tutorial: 2 hours, various dates
Course offered by the Institute for Economics
Teacher: Roxana Halbleib
Language: in English
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Lecture: Fr, 8-10h, HS 00-026, Georges-Köhler-Allee 101
Course offered by the Faculty of Engineering
Teacher: Joschka Boedecker
Language: in English
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Lecture: Mo, HS 00-026, Georges-Köhler-Allee 101, Mi, 8: 30-10h, HS 00-036, Georges-Köhler-Allee 101
Tutorial: 2 hours, various dates
Course offered by the Faculty of Engineering
Teacher: Moritz Diehl
Language: in English
Elective in Data (MScData24)
Further courses can be admitted as Elective in Data or as Elective after consultation with the Examination Board.
Service Teaching is specifically for students of subjects other than mathematics and not intended for the mathematics degree programmes.
Logic for Computer Science Students
Lecture: Mi, 10-12h, HS 00-026, Georges-Köhler-Allee 101
Tutorial: 2 hours, various dates
Teacher: Markus Junker
Assistant: Charlotte Bartnick
Language: in German
Logic for Philosophy Students
Lecture: Mi, 10-12h, HS 3117, KG III
Tutorial: 2 hours, various dates
Teacher: Amador Martín Pizarro
Assistant: Stefan Ludwig
Language: in German
Teacher: Ernst August v. Hammerstein
Assistant: Hongyi Shen
Language: in English
Lecture: Mo, Mi, 16-18h, HS Rundbau, Albertstr. 21
Tutorial: 2 hours, various dates
Teacher: Ernst Kuwert
Assistant: Florian Johne
Language: in German
Mathematics I for Science Students
Lecture: Mo, 14-16h, Fr, 8-10h, HS Rundbau, Albertstr. 21
Tutorial: 2 hours, various dates
Teacher: Susanne Knies
Assistant: Sören Andres
Language: in German
Working group seminar: Geometrical Analysis
Di, 16-18h, SR 125, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Teacher: Ernst Kuwert, Guofang Wang
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
Working group seminar: Non-Newtonian Fluids
Fr, 10-12h, SR 127, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Teacher: Michael Růžička
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
Research seminar: Algebra, Number Theory, and Algebraic Geometry
Fr, 10-12h, SR 404, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Organisation: Annette Huber-Klawitter, Stefan Kebekus, Abhishek Oswal, Wolfgang Soergel
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
Research seminar: Applied Mathematics
Di, 14-16h, SR 226, Hermann-Herder-Str. 10
Organisation: Sören Bartels, Patrick Dondl, Michael Růžička, Diyora Salimova
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
Research seminar: Differential Geometry
Mo, 16-18h, SR 404, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Organisation: Sebastian Goette, Nadine Große
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
Research seminar: Mathematical Logic
Di, 14-16h, SR 404, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Organisation: Markus Junker, Amador Martín Pizarro
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
Research seminar: Medical Statistics
Mi, 11: 30-13h, HS Medizinische Biometrie, 1. OG, Stefan-Meier-Str. 26
Organisation: Harald Binder
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
Mi, 16-17h, SR 226, Hermann-Herder-Str. 10
Organisation: David Criens, Peter Pfaffelhuber, Angelika Rohde, Thorsten Schmidt
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
Mathematics Education Colloquium
Di, 18: 30-20h, HS II, Albertstr. 23b
Organisation: Katharina Böcherer-Linder, Ernst Kuwert
Language: in German
Mathematical Colloquium
Do, 15-16h, HS II, Albertstr. 23b
Organisation: Nadine Große, Amador Martín Pizarro
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
Colloquium for Mathematics Students
Do, 14-15h, HS II, Albertstr. 23b
Organisation: Annette Huber-Klawitter, Markus Junker, Amador Martín Pizarro
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
Seminar on Data Analysis and Modelling
Fr, 12-13h, SR 404, Ernst-Zermelo-Str. 1
Organisation: Harald Binder, Peter Pfaffelhuber, Angelika Rohde, Thorsten Schmidt, Jens Timmer
Language: Talk/participation possible in German and English
Current, interdisciplinary research is presented here, in which mathematical models enable the understanding of natural and social science issues.